
Russian Version

1. General information

In accordance with the administrative regulations for the provision of archival certificates, archival extracts and archival copies dated 01.01.2018 N 1, the municipal public institution of the Yeysk District Archive provides the municipal service “Providing Archival  certificates, archival extracts and archival copies." 

The applicant for municipal services in accordance with the Administrative Regulations is an individual or his representative (with a notarized power of attorney certifying the representative’s authority), as well as a representative of a legal entity in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 

Municipal service is provided by the branch of the Krasnodar Territory "Multifunctional Center for the provision of state and municipal services of the Krasnodar Territory" in the Yeysk district and directly in the MGO "Archive". 

The applicant can receive information on the provision of municipal services by written request, by phone, by e-mail, in person, by consulting.  Municipal service counseling is free of charge.  Municipal user service is provided in the form of archival certificates, archival extracts and archival copies.


2. The list of regulatory rules

List of regulatory legal acts regulating the provision of municipal services: the Constitution of the Russian Federation; 

Federal Law of October 22, 2004 125-FZ “On Archives in the Russian Federation:

Federal Law of July 27, 2006 149-FZ“ On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection ”:

Federal Law of July 27, 2006 Ne 152-FZ  “On personal data”; 

Federal Law of October 7, 2003 N 131-FZ “On General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”:

Federal Law of July 27, 2010 210-FZ “On the Organization of the Provision of State and Municipal Services” 3

Federal Law of April 6, 2011  N 63-FZ “On electronic signature”; 

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of  May, 7, 2012 N 601 “On the main directions of improving the public administration system”; 

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 25th October 2012 N 634 “On the  types of electronic signature, the use of which is allowed when applying for receiving state municipal services; 

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2012 N 1198 “On the federal state information system that provides for the process of pre-trial (court) appeal of decisions and actions (inaction) committed in the provision of state and municipal services” 3; 

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 26, 2016 Me 236 “On requirements for the provision of electronic state and municipal services”; 

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 16, N 373 of 2011 “On the development and approval of administrative regulations for the exercise of state functions and administrative regulations for the provision of public services;

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2012 852“ On approval of the use of enhanced qualified electronic signature when applying for  state and municipal services and on introduction of the  amendments to the Rules for the development and approval of administrative regulations for the provision of public services ”; 

The law of the Krasnodar Territory of December 6, 2005 958-KZ "On archive management in the Krasnodar Territory."  Order of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation of January 18, 2007 N 19 “On approval of the Rules for organizing the storage, acquisition, recording and use of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and other archival documents in state and municipal archives, museums and libraries, organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

Decree of the administration of the municipality of Yeysk district dated December 07, 2016 Ne 582 “On the creation of the municipal treasury institution of the municipality of Yeysk district“ Archive ”and the approval of its Charter;

Charter of the Yeysk district municipality, approved by the decision of the Council of the municipal council of the municipality of the Yeysk district of May 23, 2017 N 545: Charter of the municipal government institution of the Yeysk district municipality "Archive", approved by the decision of the Council of the municipality of the Yeysk district of December 17, 2016 Ne 582;  current administrative regulations.


3. Application form




4. The list of grounds for refusing to provide a municipal service

 The basis for refusing to provide a service is:

- the status of the applicant, if he does not meet the requirements of clause 1.2.1.  of  administrative regulations of MGO “Archive” for the provision of archival certificates, archival extracts and archival copies dated 01.01.2018 N 1, namely: the applicant for the municipal service is an individual or their representative (with a notarized representative), and a power of attorney certifying authority  also a representative of a legal entity in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation; 

- the provision of false information by the applicant.  Requests and Internet applications that do not contain a surname, mailing address and / or email address, and the signature of the applicant are not subject to consideration.  Also, requests containing profanity and offensive language are not accepted for consideration. 

Genealogical requests are not executed. 

The provision of municipal services is terminated if:

- the applicant refuses; 

- identifying circumstances about the provision of false data by the applicant; 

- detecting the illegality of the provision of municipal services through the fault of the applicant or an employee of the authorized body; 

- imprisonment of the recipient of a municipal service by a court verdict and in other cases prescribed by law

- death of the applicant.


5. About request forwarding

 In the absence of the requested documents or information in the municipal archive.

In accordance with paragraph 3.1.6. of administrative regulations of MGO “Archive” on the provision of archival certificates, archival extracts and archival copies dated 01.01.2018 N 1, a letter is drawn up on the blank of MGO “Archive”, which is maintained by the director of the institution.  Within seven days of the day of registration of the application, MGO “Archive” sends a request letter for ownership to the location of the alleged location of the documents.  When the request for execution is sent to another organization, a copy of the cover letter or a separate one with the justification of the transfer and a response indicating all the documents attached to the request are sent to the applicant.


6. Extrajudicial appeal

The Applicant has the right to a pre-trial (out-of-court) appeal of actions (inaction) and decisions taken (carried out) by MGO “Archive”, officials, employees of institutions entering municipal services. 

Complaints about the decision, adopted by the institution, are given to the head of the municipality of Yeysk district. 

Complaints about the actions (inaction) of the institution were submitted to the deputy head of the municipal formation of Yeysk District, who oversees the relevant institutions. 

Complaints about the actions ( inaction) of officials, employees of the institution, are submitted to the head of the MGO "Archive", MFC. 

Complaints about the actions of the deputy head of the Yeysk district municipality, which oversees the institution, are submitted to the head of the Yeysk district municipality. 

The complaint can be sent by mail, through the MFC, using the information and telecommunication network “Internet”, the official Internet portal of the municipal formation of the Yeysk district, the official website of the authorized body, the Portal, and substitutes can also be received at a personal appointment. 

The complaint must contain:

a name of authority or institution, an official of the authority, an  official or an employee of the institution, whose decisions and actions (inaction) are appealed; 

a  surname, a  name, a patronymic (last when available), information about the place of residence of the invader - individual or name, information about the location of the invader - legal entity, as well as the contact telephone number (s), email address (s) (if available) and  mailing address to which the response should be sent to the applicant; 

information about the appealed decisions and actions (inaction) of the institution, the official of the institution and the employee;

satisfaction, on the basis of which the employer does not agree with the decision and action (inaction) of the institution, official or employee of the institution.  The invader may submit documents (if any) confirming the applicant's arguments, or their copies.


7. Address, telephone and MFC work schedule

Location information and work schedule of the MFC:

The MFC is located at: 353680, Krasnodar Territory, Yeysk District, Yeysk,   Armavirskaya St, 45/6

MFC work schedule:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.,

Thursday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.,

Saturday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., closed: Sunday

MFC phone: (86132) 3-71-61, 

email address: mfc_eisk@mail.ru


8. Address, telephone and work schedule of MGO "Archive"

Location information  and work schedule of MGO "Archive":

MGO "Archive" is located at: 353680, Krasnodar Territory, Yeisk District, Yeysk,  Sverdlova St.,150 (4th floor).

Schedule of the MGO "Archive":

Monday-Thursday from 9.00 to 18.00

Friday from 9.00 to 17.00

days off: Saturday, Sunday. 

The phone number of MGO “Archive”: (86132) 2-27-57 (fax), (86132) 2-28-02,

e-mail: arhiv@yeiskraion.ru



Appeals of citizens

 According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, all requests received in archives are divided into:

1) thematic to a specific problem, topic, event or fact.  Variety of thematic inquiries are biographical inquiries — these are inquiries by which information needed to provide information on the is established or specified — inquiries about the study of the life and activity of specific individuals, as well as the activities of individual organizations; 

2) the genealogical information necessary to establish the kinship, kinship of two or more persons, family history, clan (in the MGO “Archive” they are not used in accordance with the Administrative Rules); 

3) social and legal inquiries expressing the need for documentary inquiries related to social protection of pensions, as well as for citizens providing for the receipt of benefits and compensations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international obligations of the Russian Federation. 

Social and legal requests include requests from citizens for information about themselves:

about work experience, wages for a certain period of time and special working conditions; 

on rewarding departmental awards, conferring honorary titles; 

on confirmation of records of acts of civil status (only in connection with the social protection of citizens and their receipt of benefits and compensations established by law). 

If the above information is requested by another person, for example, for the purpose of conducting a biographical study, regardless of relationship, such a request relates to thematic requests, and work with it is carried out according to the rules for working with thematic requests. 

Information at the request of citizens is provided in the form of an archival certificate, an archive copy, an archive statement and an information letter. 

Archive certificate  -  an official archive document, drawn up on an archive form, having legal validity and containing document information about the subject of the organization’s request, may be an indication of archive ciphers and numbers of sheets of storage units of those archival documents on the basis of which it was compiled. 

An official document of the archive that verbatim reproduces the text or repeats the image of the archival of the document, not its search data, certified in the prescribed manner. 

An archive statement of the archive form, verbatim reproducing the part of the document relating to the indication of the archive code and sheet numbers of the storage unit. 

An information letter is a letter drawn up on an archive letterhead at the request of a user, containing information about archived documents stored in the archive on a specific topic, problem, or recommendation for contacting an institution where the information of interest to the user may be located according to the archive. 

A user’s request is considered and executed by the archive only if the name of the legal entity (for citizens’s last name, first name and patronymic (if any), the user's mail or e-mail address, topic (question), chronology of the requested information is requested.

The request is not related to the composition of the stored  in the archive of archival documents, sent to another archive or organization where the necessary archival documents are stored, with notification to the user, the official archive document drawn up on the archive text for a specific fact, event, person, person or user is given the appropriate recommendation. 

An archive of the user's Internet address (request) with an e-mail address or mailing address is sent to him / her for a notice of appeal (request) for consideration or a reasoned refusal to consider. The accepted (for consideration) appeal is printed out and further work is carried out in accordance with the established procedure . 

The procedure and deadlines for the execution of all categories of requests are determined by the Rules for organizing the storage, acquisition, recording and use of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and other archival documents in state municipal archives, museums, libraries, organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, approved by order of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation from  January 18, 2007 19.

The deadline for fulfilling social-legal requests in the archive should not exceed 30 days from the date of registration of the request.  With the permission of the archive management, this period may be extended if necessary, with the obligatory notification of the applicant. 

If there are no archival documents in the archive necessary for fulfilling the request, an answer is drawn up on the form of the archive, confirming the incompleteness of the composition of the archive documents on the subject of the request.  In the case of documented facts of the loss of archival documents containing the requested information, the archive issues a certificate on this issue. 

An archival certificate, an archive statement, an archive copy and answers to requests are sent by mail in simple letters. Archival certificate, archival extract and archival copy intended to be sent to CIS member states, including answers about the lack of requested information, are sent by archive directly to the applicants. 

An archival certificate, an archival extract and an archival copy intended to be sent to non-CIS countries, including answers about the absence of requested information, are made out and together with requests (questionnaires, personal statements, etc.) are sent by archive to the relevant federal executive authorities  according to established order. 

An archival certificate, archive statement and archive copy in the case of a personal appeal of a citizen or his authorized representative to the archive are issued on receipt upon presentation of a passport or other identification document;  to an authorized person drawn up in the prescribed manner.  The recipient of the archival certificate and archival statement is signed upon presentation of the power of attorney, their copies or on the back of an accompanying letter to them, indicating the date of receipt. 

Phone for inquiries: 8 (86132) 2-27-57


MFC: Input MFC: Output